Understanding the Foundations: Basic Electronics for Robotics Pt1

What is robotics? Well, it is amalgamation of science, engineering, and technology and has changed and revolutionised a countless number of industries such as healthcare, manufacturing and agriculture.

For these machines to work, the core is the electronics which run and bring these machines to life. Understanding the basics of electronics is crucial before trying to learn the depths of Robotics.

Voltage, Current and Resistance: These are the three most fundamental concepts of electricity which is essential for the working of a machine. Voltage is the difference in electric potential between two points. Voltage is the pressure from an electrical circuit's power source that pushes electrons through a conducting loop, which enables them to do work. Voltage is measured in Volts. Current on the other hand is the movement of electric charge through an electric conductor. Current is measure in amps. Resistance is the measure of opposition to the flow of charged(current) in an electric conductor and the unit is Ohms.

What is Ohm's Law - it is an important principle in electronics, it provides an equation which connects Voltage, Current and Resistance. This law is essential for the understanding of the foundation of electronics and will be helpful in the future for Robotics. The equation given is:
Voltage = Current * Resistance

Electronic Components: 
There are many components which are involved in the making of Robots which will be explored soon, some of the basic ones are:
1. Cells - They are electrical devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy. They are portable sources of Power
2. Resistors - It is a component that regulates the flow of current in a device
3. Voltmeters - They are used to measure the potential difference between 2 points in a circuit. They must always be connected in parallel to the circuit
4. Ammeters - It is a device used to measure the current in a circuit, they must be connected in series.
5. Capacitors - Capacitors store electrical energy temporarily and release it when needed.
6. Microcontrollers - It is an integrated circuit that contains a microprocessor along with memory and associated circuits and that controls some or all of the functions of an electronic device
7. Sensors - Sensors detect changes in their environment and convert physical phenomena into electrical signals. They are very essential in robotics
8. Motors  - They are devices that convert the electrical energy supplied to them into mechanical energy allowing the device to move. 

The Components and more foundations for basic electronics will be explored in the upcoming Blogs.


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